How To Write A Job Offer Letter + Free Template

How To Write A Job Offer Letter + Free Template

Modern candidates now choose a job offer based on factors other than salary. They are also interested in corporate culture, schedule and availability of benefits. The experience of communicating with HR through the job application process also shapes applicants' perceptions of a company and influences their decision to accept or decline a job offer. So, what is an employment offer letter? And how do you write a job offer letter to keep a talented candidate on board? Read on to learn how.

What Is A Job Offer Letter?

A job offer letter is usually in the form of an email but can also be a printed document in which the company specifies that it wishes to hire an applicant. It also sets out the terms of employment, such as job title, starting salary and any important stipulations. It usually comes after a verbal offer and before an official employment contract is supplied.

What To Include in an Offer Letter?

A standard job offer template includes:

  • The name of the company
  • The position being offered
  • Employee responsibilities
  • Work schedule and employment type
  • Salary level, bonus system and pay period
  • The number and length of sick days
  • Employee benefits
  • Probationary period length (if there is any) and salary for this period
  • The anticipated date on which the candidate will be ready to begin work
  • Deadlines for responding to the offer

However, in a competitive job market, writing a standard job offer letter may reduce the chances of a talented candidate accepting the offer. If, for example, the candidate has received similar offers, an employer should use this opportunity to capture their attention and "sell" the vacancy. So, how do you write a job offer letter so compelling that the candidate does not want to turn it down?

1. Tell A Story Instead Of Using The Official Tone Of Voice

The tone of the letter is the voice of your company. And it is critical to accurately convey it even in official letters. Through storytelling, you can give all the necessary information in an appealing manner, eliciting positive emotions in the respondent. It can be challenging to write catchy text. Fortunately, writing service review websites, such as Best Writers Online, can assist you with this task. Tell the story first (why the company needs a specialist and how it came to that conclusion), then highlight the offer.

2. Include A Presentation About The Company In The Letter

The presentation will assist you in demonstrating all of the advantages of working as part of a team. You can include:

  • A picture of the office
  • A photo of the candidate's workplace (with the sign "We need you here")
  • Funny working moments in the form of short videos
  • A story about the company's values, mission, and employee goals

3. Put More Emphasis On The Employee’s Benefits

Employee benefits are tangible and intangible forms of motivation, such as holidays, sick days, away days, professional development opportunities, social events. Make sure to highlight any great benefits your organisation offers.

4. Include A Video

You can use a variety of formats, not just text, within your job offer letter. For example, use a standard paragraph to describe official information. While in a short video, you can discuss your company’s values and mission, and provide an introduction to the team or department they will be a part of. If you need assistance with your writing, visit custom writing review websites such as Writing Judge.

5. Always Personalise Offer Emails

Personalised emails earn 11% higher open rates compared to non-personalised ones. Try including the candidate’s name in the subject line and, at the very least, in the greeting. Where appropriate, you can refer back to the interview experience. For example, “It was a pleasure to meet you during the interview last week.”

6. Always Highlight The Expiration Date

Providing an expiration on the offer acts as a "deficit trigger," motivating a decision to be made sooner rather than later.

Employment Offer Letter Example

Let’s take a closer look at the job offer letter template. Use this as a starting point for drafting your own unique and compelling job offer letter.

Dear [Candidate Name],

It was a pleasure meeting you at the interview last week.

The search for the ideal candidate for our company was challenging and lengthy, but you have the main qualities we are looking for! We were particularly impressed with your skills in [add skill] and we can see you adding real benefit to our work in the [team name].

With that being said, we are delighted to offer you the role of [position name] at [company name]. We propose the following terms and conditions:

  • Work in the office at [city, street, building number, office number]
  • Standard working hours [specify whether part-time, full-time, how many hours per week and working hours]
  • A X-month probationary period [optional]
  • Annual salary [specify pro-rata salary if applicable]
  • Dates of salary payment
  • You will also be eligible for our employee benefits [specify a bonus list].

Your expected start date is [specify the date].

Our offer is valid until [date]. Please electronically sign and date below and email it back by [date] to accept this offer. Please note, this offer is subject to satisfactory background checks.

Here is a short video talking you through [company name] values, mission and the work we do in the [department name] team: [Insert Video Link]

We look forward to welcoming you to our team. If you have any further questions, please contact [email address].


[Your Signature]

[Your Printed Name]

[Your Job Title]

Candidate Signature: ___

Candidate Printed Name: ____

Date: ____


It is tricky to attract talented individuals in today's market conditions. However, if you follow our advice, you will be able to draft an appealing job offer letter, which will help make it easy for candidates to accept your offer.

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Posted in Hiring, PA & Admin on Mar 09, 2022


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